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Integration API

Use the Integration API to send external information to the Talon.One Rule Engine or to retrieve data in high-load environments. It's the main API for all integration use-cases.

Typical high-load use cases are:

  • Sharing order/shopping cart data, such as cart items, delivery address or payment information.
  • Checking what campaign effects apply.
  • Updating and retrieving customer data.
  • Syncing a cart item catalog when new products are available.
Unless otherwise stated, all our SLAs in contract are specified for the Integration API only. The Management API is primarily designed to be used by the Campaign Manager.

Here is a usual example of workflow with the Integration API:

  1. Your webshop sends a request via the Integration API.
  2. The request is transformed in event and sent to the Rule Engine.
  3. The Rule Engine uses this event to find the rules that match the current event.
  4. The Rule Engine returns the effect(s) of the matching rules to the integration layer.
  5. The integration layer applies the effect(s) as needed.

Represented visually, the relation between the Campaign Manager, your webshop, and the Rule Engine is as follows:

Flow Diagram

The only coupling of your integration with campaigns is through the Rule Engine: the integration must send the attributes that the Rule Engine requires.

See API Docs


In non-high-load contexts, you can use the endpoints available in the Management API.

Integration API Postman collection

Find our collections on our Postman workspace.

Run the Integration API in Postman

Next steps

Read about API effects and see the Integrating Talon.One tutorial.